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Selasa, 21 Februari 2012


KAT-TUN new Album yang akan diliris tanggal 22 February 2012

5. FINALE (Junnosuke Taguchi Solo)
6. STEP BY STEP (Yuichi Nakamaru Solo)
8. Ano Hi no You ni
9. Zutto (Kazuya Kamenashi Solo)
11. Hakanai Yubisaki
12. ~again (Tatsuya Ueda Solo)
14. DANGEROUS CAT ~MAKE ME WET~ (Koki Tanaka Solo)
15. Hodoukyou

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Song for Your Valentine

Lagu-lagu menurut JPop Asia untuk tracklist musik di hari Valentine Anda:

Menurut elenko94:
Ailee - Heaven feat. Gi Kwang
Few songs touch on your heartstrings as much as this song does. Love is equally as much about staying as it is about letting go, something this MV shows clearly. Touching lyrics coupled with amazing vocal abilities by Ailee leaves you feeling like you're in “Heaven”.

Oranje. - I Love You
Feel like you can't make up your mind about a certain someone? Listen to “I Love You” by Oranje. and figure out which course of action is most appealing. The song's hook gets stuck in your head and you'll probably be humming along with it even after your last listen. Just make sure you're not singing it in front of your certain someone, unless you want to of course.

Menurut utadafreak22:
Sambomaster – Kimi ni Kirei no Kizuite Okure
Got a stubborn Valentine that just doesn’t realize how beautiful they are? Sambomaster’s funky pop/rock hit “Kimi ni Kirei no Kizuite Okure” is the perfect way of telling that special someone how much they really mean to you.

Shota Shimizu – YOU&I
Shota Shimizu’s “YOU&I” is perfect for the two love birds that have to be apart on Valentine’s Day, but know that love knows no distance.

moumoon – Chu Chu
moumoon’s “Chu Chu” goes out to all the guys and gals who are too shy to tell that special someone how they feel. Well… what are you waiting for? “♫You gotta come on, look at them. You wanna kiss, kiss their lips♫”

Kana Nishino – Distance
For anyone that’s been going crazy thinking about someone this Valentine’s Day, but just can’t tell them how they felt, Kana Nishino’s “Distance” is the song for you.

Menurut Miki:
LGMonkees - 3090 ~Ai no Uta~
Heart-warming song about how important your family is: parents, loved one and your little baby - "3090 gramm angel". Valentine's Day isn't all about the couples; it's about love in general - towards your family, your friends. LGMonkee's emotional performance underlines just how vital it is to cherish all the moments you share with your family.

Mayday – Wo You Chu Lian Le (Another First Love)
The boys from Mayday swear not to fall in love ever again, hence they always end up with broken hearts, but oh no! What is this familiar feeling? Quirky, playful, romantic! Perfect for Valentine's!

Mai Fukui - Ai no Uta
Not every love lasts forever. At times when you can't grasp it, think of those precious moments spent together. Touching and moving, “Ai no Uta” by Mai Fukui makes you realise how sometimes all you need to be happy is to quietly stand next to the person you love.

Menurut cowazaki:
AKB48 - Heavy Rotation
“I want you! I need you! I love you!”. In a relationship or not, AKB48 will spend Valentine’s Day with you! They want you in their hearts and minds like a song on heavy rotation. “24 hours a day, I am only requesting you!”

Ken Hirai - Boku wa Kimi ni Koi wo Suru
A slightly mellow and sad love song for Valentine’s Day but hey, we sometimes need those right? The song name roughly translates to “I Fall In Love With You” and Ken Hirai will still fall in love with you time after time.

Menurut silverlining:
Lee Hom Wang - Forever Love
Just the song title alone screams Valentine's Day, don't you think? Lee Hom Wang's "Forever Love" is song that describes what a lot of people yearn for - a love that will transcend time. It's a bit on the cheesy side, but it's cheesy goodness!

Khalil Fong - Not Easy
True love's not easy to come by, so when it does come a' knocking on your heart's door, Khalil Fong wants you to seize and cherish it. Time to let Khalil serenade you this Valentine's with his lovely vocals and this equally lovely song.

Menurut Tomagotchi:
Jay Chou – Mine Mine
Talented as always, Jay Chou flawlessly does what he does best with displays of singing and dancing in this video. This time round, Jay adopts a more reserved, mellow sounding and medium-tempo based ballad. “Mine Mine” encompasses virtually everything that expresses the classic Jay ‘feel’, from the tempo to the use of instruments and the lyrical composition.

Menurut bluesweater:
Monkey Majik - Together
Just like a magic spell, this song will bring sweet happiness into your special day, together with your loved one.

Menurut kiMi67:
GReeeeN - Koibumi ~Love Letter~
GReeeeN as always knows how to write love songs with touching lyrics. The video portraits a young doctor who fell in love with his patient. As the title implies, the song is about the love letter one received from his/her partner.

Menurut Aysohmay:
Utada Hikaru - Automatic
Throughout her career, Utada Hikaru has released many songs with love as its theme. However, the singer's classic song "Automatic", released in 1998 as her first official single, remains the perfect song to play for that special someone in your life. With lyrics about your love for someone being uncontrollable and instant and its smooth R'n'B flow to highlight the emotional deliverance of the song, "Automatic" automatically belongs on any list about love.

Menurut ceemvee:
GD&TOP - Baby Good Night
Not sure how to end your Valentine's Day? Let G-Dragon & Top help you and your special someone unwind from your day of romance, with "Baby Good Night".

Menurut delilah:
KAT-TUN - Bokura No Machi De
Bokura No Machi De (In Our Town) is the opening/ending song of Jdorama "Tatta No Hitotsu Koi" where Kameneshi and Koki both starred with Ayase Haruka and Erika Toda. The song talks about their friendship and achieving their dreams amidst all obstacles.

So dengerin lagu-lagu yang sesuai suasana hati anda akan membuat hidup lebih berarti

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Valentine Day

Wah... hari valentine nih? bagi yang punya kekasih akan merasa senang dan bahagia, namun bagi yang masih jomblo ck ck ck.... Tenang aja, bagi yang jomblo ada beberapa tips yang berguna bagi sobat cerdas, so check this out
1. Lakukan kegiatan yang positif
2. Jangan hubungi mantan, jalani hidup sekarang
3. berbagilah hari kasih sayang kesemua orang, termasuk keluargamu dan jangan memandang cuma hari Valentine orang harus menebar kasih sayang, semua hari tentunya hehehehe........
Namun dari itu semua hari Valentine, banyak sejarah yang menerbelakangi hari alentine terjadi.Dari sekian banyak sumber Valentine berasal dari daerah Romawi pada Festival Lupercalia, sekitar abad ke-3. Festival yang berlangsung setiap 13-18 Februari ini diawali dengan persembahan untuk dewi cinta Juno Februata. Ada juga yang berdasarkan nama seperti hari Santo Valentinus,kartu Valentine,St. Valentine,dll. Bagi Islam sendiri, Valentine merupakan budaya bangsa Nasrani jadi menurut Hadis Rasulullah s.a.w:“ Barang siapa yang meniru atau mengikuti suatu kaum (agama) maka dia termasuk kaum (agama) itu”. Menurut Firman Allah s.w.t. dalam Surat AL Imran (keluarga Imran) ayat 85 :“Barangsiapa yang mencari agama selain agama Islam, maka sekali-sekali tidaklah diterima (agama itu) daripadanya, dan dia di akhirat termasuk orang-orang yang rugi”. Sehingga Kita (Umat Islam) Ketika tidak mengetahui tentang asal usus sesuatu yang tidak pasti namun hanya ikut-ikutan menurut firman Allah S.W.T dalam surat Al-Isra : 36 “ Dan janglah kamu megikuti apa yang kamu tidak mempunyai pengetahuan tentangnya. Sesungguhnya pendengaran, penglihatan, dan hati, semuanya itu akan diminta pertanggung jawabnya”. So, Kita sebagai umat Islam tetap BerIstiqomah (Berpegang Teguh. Perhatikanlah Firman Allah : “…dan sesungguhnya jika kamu mengikuti keinginan mereka setelah datang ilmu kepadamu, sesungguhnya kamu kalau begitu termasuk golongan orang-orang yang zalim”. Semoga Allah memberikan kepada kita hidayahNya dan ketetapan hati untuk dapat istiqomah dengan Islam sehingga hati kita menerima kebenaran serta menjalankan ajarannya. Tujuan dari semua itu adalah agar diri kita selalu taat sehingga dengan izin Allah S.W.T. kita dapat berjumpa dengan para Nabi baik Nabi Adam sampai Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Firman Allah S.W.T.: “Barangsiapa yang taat kepada Allah dan RasulNya maka dia akan bersama orang-orang yang diberi nikmat dari golongan Nabi-Nabi, para shiddiq (benar imannya), syuhada, sholihin (orang-orang sholih), mereka itulah sebaik-baik teman”.